In Jervis Bay Marine Park
Last night at about 10pm, when we were getting ready to sleep Glenn went up on deck to attend to a final anchor check. (totally naked as old surfers like to be.) By the torchlight he could see not only the sea floor below us but also a miriad of inquisitive fish. We both spent the next hour exploring the water around us by torchlight. I whistled and sang a variety of folk songs and christmas carols to our real life aquarium friends. I wanted to know if they would respond in anyway. Unfortunately they were tone deaf.
That may sound strange to you, but I recently sang "Little baby Jesus" and "Away in a manger" to a pod of dolphins south of Ulladulla. (My theory is that the melody transends the differences in the species, and that all creatures may enjoy the sounds of soothing music, as babies do). Anyway after a while the main pod of dolphins finally left us. Only one dolphin stayed swimming with us as the yacht sped forward. For the next 45 secs. this solo dolphin swam up side down, tummy up to me just under the water's surface. Anatomically it was all very interesting. I kept singing. And then it was gone. I think that specific dolphin was communicating with me. Not really sure what it all meant.
Glenn and I have been thinking about how little time we have to watch TV or DVDs now. We just keep noticing so many other things in our surroundings that fill up our time. We also often feel totally exhausted.
The previous entry: Glenn's storm story, was seen by me in a totally different light. I remember watching the anvil shaped clouds forming for several hours, then the development of a long long white sausage cloud, and above this for as far as I could see, a narrow horizontal green haze band. All very visual. I do not recall any noises at all. The movement of the seas, the plunging of Crazy down into enormous gullies and sea spray pelting (and cleaning) the decks are very clear memories for me.
Just random thoughts of mine but I thought they might give you some insight into why we are out and about on the water.
Love to all
Glenn, Glenn, Your driveway is empty!!