Monday, April 26, 2010

The Lost Weeks

2 houses with views, The Great Ocean Road.

The 12 Apostles

Glenn with Casper.

A school of fish, Torquay Surf Shop.

We are now back in Kettering Tasmania, and looking forward to spending the next 10 to 11 months in Tassie exploring. We are now packing Crazy with more books, DVD's, warmer clothes etc: that we salvaged from our house.

So the last few weeks have been lost in a swirl of organising, getting rid of things, travelling and having adventures.

I sold our old Merc (1982 300D Merc in imaculate condition, Gormsby was his name) on Ebay, the guy who purchased her lived in Melbourne and was going to fly up to Tabourie to pick her up. I offered to deliver Gormsby to Melb for him. This gave me one last great road trip in poor old Gormsby, I was sorry to see him drive off into the sunset in Melbourne.

We have purchased another vehicle for getting to the inland and out of the way places in Tassie, a 1996 Toyota Ute 4x4 extended cab 2.8D off our friends Dave & Gerti who have given us a great warranty 5 years or 500,000klms. Not bad for a 14 year old car. So Jen drove the ute (truck Jen's word for it) down to Melb.

Someone told me there was no need to book on the Spirit of Tasmania, because it is the off season, so I didn't book. Imagine my surprise last week when I rang and tried to get on, sorry no vacancy's until Sat night. No one told me their was a hoon rally, Targra Tasmania on this week, so trailer loads of hoon vehicles were being transported down to Devonport. No room for sensible 4x4's. More about Targra Tasmania later.

So we had about 6 days in Melbourne, after 2 days of eating myself silly at the Queen Victoria Markets, we decided to take a 3 day drive down The Great Ocean Road. This was a good move, as I hired a surfboard and had some great surf on the way. I also brought a 4/3 wetsuit on sale in Torquay to help keep me in the water through the tough Tassie winter. Now if you don't know, Torquay is the capital of surfing in Australia, not only do they have miles of great surf beaches, the whole town economy is driven by surfing. Fortysix years ago, when I started surfing who could of imagined that!
As usual we loved our trip along The Great Ocean Road, someone commented to me, that Jen & I love everywhere, I guess we love the adventure of travelling and seeing new places, although I have been down the GOR a few times, this was Jen's 1st trip. Yes and she loved it too, especially our visit to the 12 Apostles.

Next Blog: Our next trip across Bass Strait in 40 knts plus, or how to do it the easy way, and our drive down through central Tasmania.


Friday, April 16, 2010

Why you should never pull a funny face!

1. Someone might have a camera handy!!
2. You might have cruel friends with to much time on their hands.

Click Link and give it time to load.

I've always wanted to be a sex god.

Thanks Fiona!!!!!!!!

Nearly done here in Tabourie, back to Tassie Monday.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

New Competition .com .com .com

Would you buy a slightly stained wetsuit
from this man?
Glenn at the Garage Sale

Seeing how Bruce, Denise and Brenna were so good at Tie me anchor chain down, and the fact that I'm becoming so tech savy with the internet.

We have made the decision to change over to Wordpress, where we can have a more user friendly and better looking blog with more options.

This will involve getting a new domain name. So we are looking for your suggestions.
Should it be:

Or if you can come up with a better name, we would love to hear it. Like to try and keep the Crazy Lady name in there somewhere.

Now this includes all you lurkers out there, please help with a new name.

Had our Garage Sale today, we are now a lot lighter on stuff.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Packing up your Life: Part IV


Some of my record collection, after some sorting.

I'm not really sure what part this is, but those that know me well will realize that I have packed up and gone 4 or 3 times before.(won't admit to being thrown out) I will tell you this it does not get easier with age.....

Try this for an exercise, start at your front door, taking one room at a time, look around at your possessions in each room. Make a list of all the things in each, that you could live without. We have done this and have realized, that most of its just stuff!!!

As I came into this relationship with Jen, owning 5 pairs of slightly used and undersized underpants, and 1/2 a mortgage oh + my record collection and Cd's. I know all about the STUFF phenomenon.

Mmmmm, my record's and Cd's have to stay. Sorry I can't live without them. Speaking of records, here is another experiment, get out your old lp's, hook up your turntable and hear the warmth of good old vinyl. I must admit I have been doing that and loving it. Bit hard to play records while sailing across Bass Strait.

I know I'm wandering all over the place as usual, but we have gathered our stuff, selling it on ebay and having a massive garage sale this coming Saturday, the bad news is we missed the classified add deadline with the local paper, and now have to try and do it with posters and word of mouth!

I got slammed on Sunday arvo, while surfing a local beach break. The waves were about 4ft and breaking into about 18" of water, very nice and hollow. After pulling out of a great tubing right hander, I started to paddle back out, when I saw another wave peaking on the sandbar. I tried to paddle over it, but alas I was too late, the wave picked me up and slammed me shoulder 1st into the sand. This jarred my body with incredible intensity, knocked the wind out of me as well. I managed to hobble home with my mates, trying to act brave while my body felt as if I had gone 3 rounds with Mike Tyson. When I got home I was able to cry and have Jen apply 1st aid and potions and liniments, for the broken bones that I never had.(thought I did) These injuries have so far kept me out of the water for 2 days as I'm still very sore. Think I will be right for Wednesday.
